I-Opener Dance - Summertime Rhythms
“In a cool solitude of trees Where leaves and birds a music spin, Mind that was weary is at ease, New rhythms in the soul begin.” ~...
~ GLOW ~ I-Opener Dance NYC - May Blooming
"Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took...
I-Opener Boston: Mother's Day
Hello dancing feet, Come and celebrate Mother’s Day with us wholeheartedly. Warm up through yoga with Chandra, let yourself be massaged...
I-Opener/Dance Spirit Collaboration - Western Mass
"If people stand in a circle long enough eventually they'll begin to dance" ~ George Carlin And if we get dancers to circle with other...
I-Opener Dance Boston - April - Opening
Hola Dancing People, We have emerged out of the woods of Sirius and we are ready to dive with you into another dance adventure. The...
I-Opener Dance NYC - April - Flow
"Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought...
March 11th I-Opener Dance Boston - Planting Seeds
Hello Dance Tribe, The Spring is upon us. We are ready to shake this winter off and feel the sap rising. Are you? It has become a...
I-Opener Dance Spring Retreat March 24-25 at Sirius
Hello Dance People, Join us for this overnight Spring adventure in the woods of the beautiful Sirius Community! So many offerings are...
I-Opener Dance: RELEASING - Feb 4 at 10 am
Hello Dancing Family, After energizing January start we are ready to dance with you again. This time we have a special treat to begin:...
I-Opener with INCUS: New Chapters January 14, 2018
Hello dance tribe! We miss you. Get safely through the holidays and join us dancing in January. Our guests - live band INCUS, (back by...