I-Opener Dance :: Happy Father's Day!
💜 “Not every hero wears a cape" 💜 Join us for another ✨ Virtual I-Opener Dance ✨ online Sunday mornings from wherever you may be and...

I-Opener Dance Online (Sun. 5/24 @10am EST) :: "Express Yourself"
“What we find in dance is what we find when we set our hearts free" Join us for another ✨ Virtual I-Opener Dance ✨ online Sunday...

I-Opener Dance ONLINE :: Finding Trust (SUN, 4/12 @10am EST)
“Allow yourself to trust joy and embrace it. You will find you dance with everything.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Delighted to dive into...

I-Opener Dance Boston - April - Opening
Hola Dancing People, We have emerged out of the woods of Sirius and we are ready to dive with you into another dance adventure. The...

I-Opener Dance NYC - April - Flow
"Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought...

I-Opener Dance: RELEASING - Feb 4 at 10 am
Hello Dancing Family, After energizing January start we are ready to dance with you again. This time we have a special treat to begin:...

I-Opener with INCUS: New Chapters January 14, 2018
Hello dance tribe! We miss you. Get safely through the holidays and join us dancing in January. Our guests - live band INCUS, (back by...

I-Opener - Coming Home
Hey I-Opener family, The days are getting shorter and we want to invite us all to Come Home: home to ourselves, home to the warm embrace...

Sept. 10th ~ I-Opener Boston: Sweet Harvest
Hey dancing tribe, let’s gather after the adventures of the summer and harvest its fruits together. Let’s melt together in the rhythms of...

June 11th ~ I-Opener Boston with Gaia Roots
Hit our last I-Opener Dance before we take a summer break. This is a special one: after delicious yoga warm up led by Chandra Cantor , we...