Sept. 10th ~ I-Opener Boston: Sweet Harvest

Hey dancing tribe, let’s gather after the adventures of the summer and harvest its fruits together. Let’s melt together in the rhythms of drums and enticing melodies. We want to share the music we collected on our journeys and reconnect. This time: after a short grounding meditation with Seth we will have an easy flowing yoga warm-up with Chandra, get ready for I-Opener debut of DJ Journey Weaver - Sarah. Followed by DJ Luminus - Marek (did you notice his DJ name change? ) So let’s kick off I-Opener season # 3, dance, groove, do art and be merry! The uplifted dancing space is considered to be sacred. We abstain from social talk and dance without shoes. You may participate in the dance or just enjoy witnessing. There’s interactive art, space for prayer or meditation, a zone for flow toys, and a kids corner with family activities. Admission: $15 - $20 sliding scale, (please note the slight increase to be able to continue bringing you all the musical and artsy treats ) students $10 w/ID, kids under 15 free We don't want to turn anyone away, so if you are interested in work exchange ( set-up, door shifts etc ...) send us a message. Future dates: October 15 - All Day I-Opener Fest November 12
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